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The Religion Of Woman (edited, Annotated): An Historical Study

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Full title: The Religion Of Woman (edited, Annotated): An Historical Study
ISBN: 9781478370505
ISBN 10: 1478370505
Authors: McCabe Joseph
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Edition: Annotated
Num. pages: 196
Binding: Paperback
Language: en
Published on: 2012

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Bible, Falsely Called The Word Of God. Abominable Falsehood! The Bible Is The Word Of Man, And The God Therein Is This Creature Deified. Into The Lips Of That Deity Man Has Breathed His Ignorant Thoughts And Selfish Desires, Chief Of Which Was The Possession Of Woman As A Slave. How Could This Be Enforced But By Making Her Believe That She Was The Offspring Of A Male Rib And The First To Transgress The Commands Of God, Wherefore The Mere Chip Of The Former, And Justly Subjected By The Latter To The Condition Of A Disinherited? Disinherited Woman! Through Long Ages Your Eyes Have Been Bound, And The Light Has Not Shone Therein. Tear Off The Bandages Which Keep Them In Darkness, And See The Truth For Your Own Salvation And For That Of Your Children And Descendants. While Bible Precept Is Held To Be Divine, There Is No Raison D'ètre For The Rights Of Woman, Seeing That She Is Denied Such Thereby. But Once It Is Plainly Seen That Bible Precept Is Man-made And Not God-made, Then The Barrier, So Long Held Up By Falsehood's Props Against Woman's Freedom, Must Go Down With A Crash, By Reason Of Its Own Rotten And Decayed Structure. It Is For Men To Give Woman Freedom, Even As It Is Her Bounden Duty To Demand It As Her Right. Let Reason Be Her Guide And Truth Her Beacon. Then Men Shall Cease To Be The Sons Of Slaves, And Through Their Free Mothers Inherit The Glorious Birthright Of True Liberty. Once The Origin Of Humanity Is Realized By All, Superstition Must Die, For Knowledge Will Never Submit To Ignorance And Falsehood, Who Are The Parents Of Superstition. -florence Dixie