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Incredible Hulk: Past Perfect (Incredible Hulk (1999-2007))

Full title: Incredible Hulk: Past Perfect (Incredible Hulk (1999-2007))
ISBN: 9780785162148
ISBN 10: 0785162143
Authors: Larsen, Erik Priest, Christopher
Publisher: Marvel
Num. pages: 355
Binding: Kindle Edition
Language: en
Published on: 2012

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The tortured soul of the Hulk is pushed to his limits when the person dearest to him is killed by one of his oldest and deadliest foes. After seeking revenge in the only way he knows how, the Hulk attempts to find peace. but just when it seems he's found it, an old pal named Joe Fixit makes him realize that all is not as it seems. but wait - isn't Joe Fixit the same person as the Hulk? Featuring the Abomination, Jarella, Doc Samson, Rick Jones, the Fantastic Four, Captain America and more!