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The Sonoran Desert: A Literary Field Guide

Full title: The Sonoran Desert: A Literary Field Guide
ISBN: 9780816531233
ISBN 10: 0816531234
Publisher: University Of Arizona Press
Edition: First
Num. pages: 216
Binding: Paperback
Language: en
Published on: 2016

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This Is An Anthology Of Poetry And Short Prose About The Sonoran Desert That Is Organized In The Manner Of A Field Guide--provided By Publisher. Plants. Arizona Sycamore = Platanus Wrightii / Amanda Jean Bailey ; Barestem Larkspur = Delphinium Scaposum / Scott Calhoun ; Brigham's Tea = Ephedra Nevadensis / Gary Paul Nabhan ; Brittlebush = Encelia Farinosa / Kristi Maxwell ; Coulter's Lupine = Lupinus Sparsiflorus / Rachel Lehrman ; Creosote = Larrea Tridentata / Ofelia Zepeda ; Desert Globemallow = Sphaeralcea Ambigua / Melissa Buckheit ; Desert Ironwood = Olneya Tesota / Jeevan Narney ; Desert Mistletoe = Phoradendron Californicum / Matthew Conley ; Devil's Claw = Proboscidea Parviflora / Lisa Cooper Anderson ; Fairy Duster = Calliandra Eriophylla / Christine Baines ; Jojoba = Simmondsia Chinensis / Erec Toso ; Jumping Cholla = Cylindropuntia Fulgida / Logan Phillips ; Limberbush = Jatropha Cardiophylla / Rebecca Seiferle ; Ocotillo = Fouquieria Splendens / Maya L.^ Kapoor ; Foothill Palo Verde = Parkinsonia Microphylla / Stephen Trimble ; Sacred Datura = Datura Wrightii / Cybele Knowles ; Saguaro = Carnegiea Gigantea / Alison Hawthorne Deming ; Velvet Mesquite = Prosopis Velutina / Eric Magrane -- Invertebrates. Arizona Blond Tarantula = Aphonopelma Chalcodes / Laynie Browne ; Arizona Walkingstick = Diapheromera Arizonensis / Karen Falkenstrom ; Bark Scorpion = Centruroides Sculpturatus / Joshua Marie Wilkinson ; Pinacate Beetle = Eleodes Spp. / Erin Wilcox ; Tarantula Hawk = Pepsis Spp. / Aisha Sabatini Sloan ; White-lined Sphinx Moth = Hyles Lineata / Tc Tolbert ; Yucca Moth = Tegeticula Yuccasella / Sherwin Bitsui --^ Birds. American Kestrel = Falco Sparverius / Rita Maria Magdaleno ; Broad-billed Hummingbird = Cynanthus Latirostris / Alberto Álvaro Ríos ; Cactus Wren = Campylorhynchus Brunneicapillus / Maria Melendez Kelson ; Common Raven = Corvus Corax / Shawna Thompson ; Curve-billed Thrasher = Toxostoma Curvirostre / Michael Rerick ; Elf Owl = Micrathene Whitneyi / Annie Guthrie ; Gambel's Quail = Callipepla Gambelii / Geraldine Connolly ; Gilded Flicker = Colaptes Chrysoides / Christopher Cokinos ; Greater Roadrunner = Geococcyx Californianus / Jane Miller ; Harris's Hawk = Parabuteo Unicinctus / M.e. Wakamatsu ; Lucy's Warbler = Vermivora Luciae / Christina Vega-westhoff ; Phainopepla = Phainopepla Nitens / Ellen Mcmahon ; Pyrrhuloxia = Cardinalis Sinuatus / Samuel Ace ; Turkey Vulture = Cathartes Aura / Christopher Cokinos ; Verdin = Auriparus Flaviceps / Valyntina Grenier ; White-winged Dove = Zenaida Asiatica / Kimi Eisele ; Yellow-rumped Warbler = Dendroica Coronata / Claire Skinner --^ Mammals. Black-tailed Jackrabbit = Lepus Californicus / Alberto Álvaro Ríos ; Bobcat = Lynx Rufus / Wynne Brown ; Coyote = Canis Latrans / Angelo Joaquin Jr. ; Desert Cottontail = Sylvilagus Audubonii / Simmons B. Buntin ; Gray Fox = Urocyon Cinereoargenteus / Heather Nagami ; Javelina = Pecari Tajacu / Joy Williams ; Lesser Long-nosed Bat = Leptonycteris Yerbabuenae / Farid Matuk ; Merriam's Kangaroo Rat = Dipodomys Merriami / Shelby Salemi ; Mountain Lion = Puma Concolor / Ken Lamberton ; Mule Deer = Odocoileus Hemionus / Paul Mirocha ; Western White-throated Woodrat = Neotoma Albigula / Charles Alexander ; White-nosed Coati = Nasua Narica / Renee Angle --^ Reptiles And Amphibians. Canyon Treefrog = Hyla Arenicolor / Melissa L. Sevigny ; Desert Tortoise = Gopherus Morafkai / Wendy Burk ; Gila Monster = Heloderma Suspectum / Eric Magrane ; Greater Short-horned Lizard = Phrynosoma Hernandesi / Jake Levine ; Mojave Rattlesnake = Crotalus Scutulatus / George Life ; Red-spotted Toad = Bufo Punctatus / Steven Salmoni ; Sonoran Collared Lizard = Crotaphytus Nebrius / Tj Hoffman Duffy ; Sonoran Spotted Whiptail = Aspidoscelis Sonorae / Valerina Quintana ; Western Diamondback Rattlesnake = Crotalus Atrox / Kristen E. Nelson. Edited By Eric Magrane And Christopher Cokinos ; Illustrations By Paul Mirocha ; Foreword By Don Swann. Includes Bibliographical References (pages 177-179)