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Full title: Sabella
ISBN: 9781604599220
ISBN 10: 1604599227
Authors: Tanith Lee
Publisher: Fantastic Books
Num. pages: 142
Binding: Paperback
Language: en
Published on: 2010

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The Blood Stone

A Science Fiction Vampire Novel

On the pink planet of Novo Mars, Sabella, the beautiful young recluse, lives out her uneasy daytime life behind drawn blinds. And at night she feeds on the blood of deer. After what has happened before, she no longer wants—or dares—to take the blood of men.

But something, it seems, is intent on throwing Sabella back into her former existence of danger and despair. Forcing her first to consume the handsome young stranger, Sand, and then to confront Sand's invincible and terrifying brother, Jace, the avenging angel.

When predator becomes prey, some kind of death must end it-And only blood will answer for blood.

"Tanith Lee is one of the most powerful and intelligent writers in fantasy." —Publishers Weekly

"With Lee… expect the unexpected." —Starburst